
I am a registered psychotherapist in private practice with over 25 years of clinical experience. I provide individual psychotherapy to adults and youth struggling with a variety of mental health issues. I have extensive experience working in a Children’s Mental Health environment conducting assessments and providing treatment to children and youth who have experienced child all forms of child maltreatment, especially those who have been sexually abused. I also work with children and youth who have engaged in sexually harming behaviours conducting comprehensive assessments, individualized treatment, group treatment, and family reunification after sibling sexual abuse.
Over the years, I have engaged in training in a number of modalities and approaches. As our knowledge and understanding of trauma continues to evolve, I strive to remain current and continue learning through many professional development opportunities. As a client centered therapist my belief is that each of us has within us all that we need to move our lives forward. I am a certified Focusing Oriented Therapist and Coordinator with The International focusing Institute (TIFI), as well as currently serving as a member of the International Leadership Council of TIFI. I bring an embodied and experiential approach to my work with clients.