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ABCs of CSB is a FREE online learning opportunity designed for parents, caregivers, or allied professionals who are dealing with a child who engaged in concerning sexual behaviour (CSB) and who may also be parenting a child who was exposed to the concerning sexual behaviour. ​ We know that parents and caregivers play a central role in supporting their child successfully overcoming a CSB and creating safety for everyone in the home. ABCs of CSB helps parents and caregivers gain important knowledge about concerning sexual behaviours. You will learn how to support your children during this emotional and challenging time, how to create safety for everyone, how to respond to different questions and behaviours. You will learn how to navigate your way through the process of dealing with your child’s CSB and any other children in the family who may have been exposed to the CSB. ​ You proceed through the ABCs of CSB on your own at your own pace. Content is delivered through a total of 1 hour 40 minute video presentations by experienced clinicians with helpful information and resources, activities, and exercises to build knowledge and skills. This eCourse represents a culmination of knowledge, experience, and literature on children under 12 who have engaged in concerning sexual behaviour. There have been many revisions and input from many sources, agencies, and independent consultants. In particular we want to acknowledge The Peel Collaborative, Halton Trauma Centre, Radius Child & Youth Services, and THRIVE Child and Youth Trauma Services. While we acknowledge all those individuals who have contributed to the development of this, we wish to specifically acknowledge the following professionals: Heather Barbour, Sean Basarke, Shawn Chisholm, Tracey Curwen, Dana Costin, Jacqueline Davis, Janice Floyd, Karen Holladay, Nancy Falls, Franca Iannotta, Melissa Maltar, Leanne Philbert, Megan Rees-Jones, Nancy Rumble, Bente Skau, Brenda Symons-Moulton.





Over 200 years


The Collective Experience You Need.

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